Ebook to Purchase $AIK

Step by step to get your own $AIK!

Here is the link to Coinbase

Create an account on Coinbase (for new accounts only) & follow their instruction (desktop/app)

Coinbase application or other exchange to purchase Solana $sol, downloaded from the app store (IOS/Android) or their website

Purchase Solana $sol on Coinbase & follow their instruction (you can purchase the desired amount you want)

Here is the link to Phantom

Download Phantom Wallet on the App Store (Available on IOS & Android mobile)

For desktop visit their website & use Chrome to download on the extension

Next Create your wallet & choose a password then select continue

It will then show ‘Secret Recovery Phrase’ keep this safe & secure as is IMPORTANT & is the password to your wallet fund!!!

After saving your SRP then select continue

Send your Solana to the Phantom Wallet by select QR icon which shows Solana address copy it

Then go on Coinbase select send & paste your Solana address from the Phantom Wallet.

Connect your Phantom Wallet to DEXLABS.space you don’t need to create an account https://v3.dexlab.space/swap

Use DEXLABS swapping feature to swap your Solana (any amount you want) for $AIK the cutest AI Katty coins around

Select AIK (ps07)

Finally you have you have your very own $AIK Aikattus Coins!


In the beginning…